
QHM: Jewish and Queer History and Painting Workshop

by Hani חאני Esther Indictor Portner

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There are many sites in Berlin that could benefit from being the subject of group collaboration and investigation through art and Shoah history. When we gather together to sit and learn and then create a new piece of culture through reflection and group work it is an homage to the interconnected network of artistic support and love and care that the artists I teach about were connected to. All of these artists were Jewish and made art in Berlin. Most of them are also queer and/or transgender. Some of the artists I study and interpret and teach about are Toni Ebel, Charlotte Salomon, Gertrude Sandmann, Eva Frankfurther, and Lotte Laserstein.

The flow of the workshop is flexible upon the group’s needs and desires but usually follows a three part structure.+

Introduction and Intentions in the group: Get to know each other’s names, pronouns, reasons for wanting to participate, and if relevant what role they will play in the workshop. For example if guest historians and artists are invited

Sharing of Biography/Shoah Testimony from artists we will study: Sharing a timeline of their lives and their possible inspirations to learn about their experiences and art style in a deeper way.

Art instruction with the group: Starting simple with basics of the medium such as color theory, shading, how to use ink, pastels, watercolor, crochet, etc. and progressing to reflecting on the featured painting and the themes the group wants to explore together.

Reflection and conclusion. Asking the group what they want to share about their work and providing a kind and celebratory space to share our creations. Participants can take home their painting and art supplies provided if they wish to continue or create more. Important Notice: The events will be in English as this is my language of instruction, but I welcome collaboration with translators to make it more accessible.

The event will be with covid precautions such as testing and asking participants to mask indoors at times they are not eating, drinking, or testing so that immunocompromised and disabled people such as myself can feel welcome and safer.

Eingeladen sind

27. Mai 2024 (14.00 - 17.00 Uhr)

Spinnboden Lesbenarchiv & Bibliothek, Anklamer Str.38, 10115 Berlin

wheelchair accessible via elevator and mobile ramp; toilet unfortunately not wheelchair accessible, but there is a city toilet nearby

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Giuseppina Lettieri